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Spinballwizard's Green Hill 1 (Sonic) History

Stat Rank Order Asc Date Comment
0:28 41/89 04-13-06
0:27 41/110 11-05-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 41/89 04-13-06
0:27 41/110 11-05-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 41/89 04-15-06
0:27 41/106 10-17-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 41/88 03-31-06
0:27 41/109 11-04-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
42/110 11-05-06
0:28 42/89 04-16-06
0:27 42/111 11-05-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 42/89 04-21-06
0:27 42/112 11-05-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 43/90 04-23-06
0:27 43/114 11-07-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/91 05-02-06
0:27 44/116 11-10-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/91 05-19-06
0:27 44/117 11-11-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/92 05-24-06
0:27 44/118 11-16-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/92 05-24-06
0:27 44/119 12-24-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/92 05-24-06
0:27 44/119 12-24-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/93 05-24-06
0:27 44/119 12-25-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 44/91 05-02-06
0:27 44/115 11-08-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 45/93 05-25-06
0:27 45/120 12-31-06 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 45/94 05-29-06
0:27 45/125 01-07-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 45/93 05-25-06
0:27 45/124 01-05-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 45/93 05-25-06
0:27 45/125 01-06-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 46/94 05-29-06
0:27 46/126 01-08-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 46/94 05-31-06
0:27 46/126 01-09-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
47/130 01-28-07
0:28 47/95 06-02-06
0:27 47/128 01-16-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 48/98 07-20-06
0:31 48/65 09-03-05
0:28 48/97 06-28-06
0:27 48/129 02-03-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 48/66 09-04-05
0:28 48/96 06-18-06
0:27 48/130 02-06-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 48/66 09-12-05
0:28 48/96 06-18-06
0:27 48/130 02-10-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 48/66 09-12-05
0:28 48/97 06-23-06
0:31 49/67 09-19-05
0:28 49/101 07-27-06
0:27 49/131 02-10-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 50/104 09-03-06
0:27 50/132 02-15-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:28 50/105 09-09-06
0:27 50/132 02-16-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 50/68 09-27-05
0:28 50/106 09-27-06
0:27 50/133 02-17-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 50/68 09-27-05
0:28 50/107 10-14-06
0:31 50/68 09-30-05
0:28 50/102 08-01-06
0:27 51/135 03-03-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 51/69 10-17-05
0:27 51/134 02-23-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 51/69 10-20-05
0:27 51/135 03-03-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 52/70 10-30-05
0:27 52/136 03-05-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 53/71 11-07-05
0:27 53/137 03-08-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
54/139 05-09-07
0:31 54/72 11-10-05
0:27 54/137 03-15-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
55/141 08-05-07
0:31 55/73 11-19-05
0:27 55/140 06-02-07 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
56/146 01-11-08
0:31 56/74 11-23-05
0:27 56/145 01-09-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 57/75 11-24-05
0:27 57/147 01-12-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 58/76 12-02-05
0:27 58/147 01-27-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 59/78 12-12-05
0:27 59/148 02-11-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 59/78 12-12-05
0:27 59/148 02-10-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
60/150 03-22-08
0:31 60/79 12-15-05
0:27 60/149 02-20-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 60/79 12-16-05
0:27 60/151 03-02-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 60/79 12-11-05
0:27 61/153 04-24-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 61/79 12-28-05
0:27 61/152 03-05-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
62/159 07-09-08
0:30 62/88 03-30-06 Definitely had some bad jumps.
0:31 62/80 01-10-06
0:27 62/158 05-17-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
63/161 07-22-08
0:31 63/82 01-29-06
0:27 63/158 07-04-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 63/81 01-23-06
0:27 63/158 06-28-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
64/159 07-04-08
0:31 64/82 01-31-06
0:27 64/162 07-28-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 64/82 02-02-06
0:27 64/163 07-29-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 64/83 02-05-06
0:27 64/164 07-30-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 64/84 02-07-06
0:27 64/164 07-30-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 65/84 03-04-06
0:27 65/168 08-22-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 65/84 03-06-06
0:27 65/167 08-27-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 65/84 03-06-06
0:27 65/166 08-17-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 65/84 02-12-06
0:27 65/167 08-22-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
66/172 10-09-08
0:31 66/85 03-06-06
0:27 66/169 09-09-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 66/85 03-09-06
0:27 66/170 09-17-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 66/85 03-09-06
0:27 66/170 09-17-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 67/86 03-21-06
0:27 67/172 10-10-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 67/87 03-24-06
0:27 67/173 10-10-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 67/86 03-17-06
0:27 67/172 11-09-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 67/86 03-18-06
0:27 68/173 11-15-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 68/87 03-24-06
0:27 68/174 12-15-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
0:31 68/87 03-25-06
0:27 68/175 12-17-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
69/177 01-01-09
0:31 69/88 03-29-06
0:27 69/175 12-18-08 Recorded (as though it mattered). Could be 26... MAYBE 25!?
70/187 03-10-09
71/187 03-29-09
72/188 04-08-09
73/192 04-18-09
74/198 06-20-09
75/201 07-15-09
76/202 07-11-09
77/203 08-10-09
78/205 08-25-09
79/204 03-03-10
80/204 11-14-09
81/209 11-09-10
82/207 09-02-09
83/212 01-30-11
84/214 02-14-11
85/217 03-31-11
86/218 06-25-11
87/220 04-29-11
88/222 11-01-11
89/225 11-22-11
90/226 01-03-12
91/227 02-02-12
92/229 02-28-12
93/233 05-03-12
94/235 05-14-12
95/239 06-13-12
96/244 08-11-12
97/249 04-07-13
98/248 05-24-13
99/249 07-06-13
100/250 07-13-13
101/251 07-18-13
102/252 07-22-13
103/255 09-17-13
104/255 09-19-13
105/256 09-24-13
106/257 09-28-13
107/258 12-07-13
108/260 12-25-13
109/261 01-03-14
110/262 01-05-14
111/263 01-30-14
112/267 04-17-14
113/270 08-04-14
114/272 08-09-14
115/273 12-16-14
116/274 02-03-15
117/275 02-03-15
118/278 03-16-15
119/279 03-30-15
120/280 05-26-15
121/281 06-17-15
122/282 07-08-15
123/284 08-07-15
124/284 08-08-15
125/287 11-13-15
126/288 12-04-15
127/288 06-15-16
128/289 06-15-16
129/294 06-15-18
130/291 03-20-17
131/295 10-10-17
132/297 02-06-19
133/298 04-21-19
134/299 07-11-19
135/300 07-12-19
136/303 12-03-20
137/304 12-03-20
138/306 10-02-21
139/307 12-05-21
140/308 01-24-22
141/309 03-07-22
142/310 09-11-22
143/312 08-06-24
Class ID: 834 | Player ID: 594 | Game ID: 5 | Category ID: 1 | Level ID: 122
Hits: 1,051 | Hits This Month: 9 | DB Calls: 26 | Mem Usage: 782.06 KB | Time: 0.16s | Printable

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